
The Blocipedia project calls for a wikipedia look-alike with 3 tiers of users; standard, premium, and admin. Each tier of user is privy to different actions within the app. At its core, WikiOne is a simple social app where users can come to exchange ideas and comments.


Stripe implementation was the challenge du jour. Doing this meant journeying outside the Bloc bubble and into another company’s API. Although this can make a new developer anxious, venturing into colleagues’ work is a critical part of our industry.


Stripe made it quick and simple to utilize their code. After a quick copy & paste, then a few sample user upgrades, Stripe was fully functional in WikiOne. Some of the code in the New Charges view is below:

<script src="https://checkout.stripe.com/checkout.js" class="stripe-button"
        data-key="<%= ENV['STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE_KEY'] %>"
        data-description="Premium WikiOne Membership - #{current_user.username}"


WikiOne is a testament to Rails’ complex, but still user-friendly demeanor. Although the programming stages were difficult and sometimes frustrating, the results are gratifying. I’d recommend WikiOne to anyone seeking an earnest look into what Rails can provide.