
Blocitoff is designed to be a 3-dimensional to-do list. Even the most efficient among us can’t help but sometimes look down at a static to-do list as its items grow cobwebs. Blocitoff’s timer and auto-delete are its hallmark features; rather than succumb to feelings of hopelessness as items on your to-do list linger, Blocitoff keeps your to-do list fresh an stocked with only your most pressing tasks.


Programming Blocitoff’s timer function was an obstacle; I found each item’s “time-until-delete” inaccurate or not moving. Obviously, this is the primary feature of Blocitoff, without this feature Blocitoff amounts to no more than an online post-it note.


After some brainstorming with friends, I discovered my error lay not in the code, per se, but in my math. A quick adjustment to my math in the items controller, and the problem was solved. I wrapped this code in the table body to form the solution:

<%= content_tag :tr, class: 'info', id: "item-#{item.id}" do %>
  <td><%= item.name %></td>
  <td><%= link_to "", [current_user, item], method: :delete, class: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok', remote: true %></td>
  <td><%= distance_of_time_in_words(7.days - (Time.now - item.created_at)) %></td>
<% end %>


Blocitoff now functions as intended. Items auto-delete after 7 days, and the app’s table view make adding & deleting items simple.


Building Blocitoff served as a reminder that programming is a highly collaborative art; problems are best solved by teaming up with others. This is true not only for debugging, but other tasks as well. Designing, executing, remodeling are all done best in teams.